São Paulo, de de .
Twinz Immersion

Dear Students.

On the 28th to the 30th of july we would be having our first immersion Programme in Atibaia/SP

We have lined up some very interesting English Activities such as Games,debates,Treasure hunts and so on,All in English to help you enhance your English Skills in a relaxed environment.

It will be 2 days of Fun, Making Friends and interacting with people in order to gain fluency.

We would start receiving students at the farm on the 27th from 7pm.

Below is an outline of the programme.
- Students begin to arrive - 7pm.

- Students would be divided into two three teams.
- Breakfast 7-9:30am
- Treasure hunt 10-12pm(Students would be given clues in English and would look for the treasure within the farms.scores would be awarded to the team that finds the treasure.
- Lunch 1-2:30pm
- Debate 3-4:30pm(scores awarded to the team that wins)
- Volly Ball Match 5-6:30pm
- Free time 6:30-7:30pm
- Bonfire & Grill Party (With Vidioke in English) 8-13pm

- Breakfast 7-9pm
- Spelling & Quiz Competition among teams(Involving English words and grammar rules)9:30-11:30am
- Lunch 12-13:30pm
- Singing songs in English 2pm

Please Make your Reservation Before the 18th of july Because the farm is limited to 25 people per weekend.

- R$150,00 - Single
- R$250,00 - Couple

Also please indicate if you are single or couple when booking your reservations in order to allocate rooms more effectively.